Q. What is the applicable Shariah concept? / Apakah konsep Syariah yang digunakan?
A. The applicable Shariah concept is Tawarruq concept (Cost-Plus Deferred Sale of Commodities).

Q. What is the minimum and maximum facility amount that customer can apply?
A. Minimum facility amount is RM 1,000.00 and the maximum facility amount is RM 100,000.00.

Q. What documents are required to apply for ?

  • Front & back copy of NRIC
  • Latest EPF statement (advise to print at ACS counter or Kiosk), or
  • Latest 3 months’ Salary slips / 6 months’ Salary slips (for non-permanent staff or commission-based) and
  • Latest 3 months’ / 6 months’ (for non-permanent staff or commission-based) bank account statements to confirm income credited into account
  • Bank saving account passbook or bank statement (for verification purposes)
  • Latest Form BE and Tax payment receipt (optional)

If Self-employed

  • Front & back copy of NRIC
  • Company Business Registration Certificate (ROC & ROB) / Form 9/24/49 or Form D, and
  • Latest 6 months Company’s principle current account statement, either or
  • Latest update bank saving account passbook or bank statement, either or
  • Latest Form B/E and Tax payment receipt

Q. Is there any security deposit required for the facility amount approved?
A. There is no security deposit required.

Q. How long is the approval process?
A. The approval for the facility is within 1 to 3 days. However, it is subject to full documentation and information received. Terms and Conditions apply.

Q. When is the payment due?
A. The payment is due on every 2nd of the month.

Q. What are the major risks if I default in my payment?
A. Compensation (late payment) will be imposed and the outstanding payment amount will accrue in the event you default in your repayment. If you are facing difficulties in meeting your loan obligations, please contact us in advance to discuss repayment alternatives.
